Dear members,
We are delighted to inform you that the WAIPA Steering Committee elections for the term 2023-2025, will be taking place this winter in New Delhi, India during the World Investment Conference 2023, held from 11-14 December, 2023. The WAIPA Permanent Secretariat cordially invites all interested members to submit their official candidacy letters.
The WAIPA Steering Committee consists of the following positions:
– Presidency
– Two Vice-Presidencies
– Regional Directorships for:
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Middle East and North Africa
- Central Asia
- South Asia
- East Asia and South-East Asia
- Oceania
- European Union
- Eastern Europe
- North America
- Central America and the Caribbean
- South America
The positions are open for candidacies with conditions and deadlines as instructed in the WAIPA Statutes. In accordance with the WAIPA Statutes, Chapter V, Article XIX, Para.1, the candidacies shall be postmarked at least 60 days prior to the Annual General Assembly.
The General Assembly is being planned to take place on the beginning of December in New Delhi, India. Accordingly, all candidacy letters must be postmarked no later than 13 October 2023.
The effective candidacy for each post must be supported by a Candidacy letter (download the candidacy letter template here), duly executed by the authorized representative in accordance with the candidate-member’s institutional documents and send to the WAIPA Permanent Secretariat in digital copy by mail and the original hardcopy to the following address:
Soft copy:
Mr. Ismail Ersahin, Executive Director & CEO, [email protected];
cc: Ms. Eva Salamon Kaplan, Communication Specialist, [email protected]
Hard copy:
Mr. Ismail Ersahin, Executive Director & CEO
World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA)
Maison Internationale de l’Environnement 2 (MIE2),
Chemin de Balexert 9, 1219 Châtelaine,
Telephone: +41 22 796 68 62
If you are interested to learn more about the functions, requirements and mandate of the Steering Committee please refer to Chapter V (p.7-10) and Chapter VII (p.12-14) of the WAIPA Statutes.
Notice: According to WAIPA Statutes, the Presidency, as well as all other positions in the Steering Committee, are institutional. The Presidency is represented by the top-ranking officer. With the appointment of Ms. Nivruti Rai as MD & CEO of Invest India, she assumed representation at WAIPA.
WAIPA elections, including the Presidency, will take place on 12th December 2023, during which the General Assembly will elect all Steering Committee members for the term 2023/2025.