Investment Promotion and Facilitation in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Region
This report presents the results of a survey jointly undertaken by UNIDO and WAIPA to contribute to a better understanding of investment promotion in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.
This report presents a framework to better understand the factors that adversely affect FDI flows to ACP countries. The framework has three key takeaways: broadly speaking, ACP IPAs have a longer road to the market than their peer IPAs from other regions, have a harder task than their peers and find that attracting FDI to their countries is more challenging than for other regions. Therefore, the expectation of ACP IPAs that they can accumulate FDI in a similar manner to how it is performed elsewhere in the world is neither realistic nor feasible.
Capacity Building for Francophone LDCs on Investment Promotion
In 2022/2023, a successful collaboration between the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA), the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF), and the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) resulted in the “Capacity Building For Francophone LDCs on investment Promotion” project. This initiative has extended its impact to 17 Least Developed Countries (LDCs). This report provides an overview of the project’s outcomes and gives selected case studies of the impact it had on organizations.
OCO Global-WAIPA Report: The new laws of FDI attraction
The world is going through many challenges and difficulties which are impacting Foreign Direct Investment and how economies and locations are attracting new projects and investors. This joint report, OCO Global and WAIPA, has surveyed 74 IPAs from around the world ( November 2022 and March 2023) to learn how they are responding to these changes.
ILO-WAIPA Report: The contribution of IPAs to achieving SDG 8
Foreign direct investment can play a critical role in helping countries to achieve SDG 8 on decent work and inclusive economic growth. The ILO and the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) surveyed IPAs to find out how they integrate SDG 8 in their promotional activities and services; and what types of support IPAs need to accelerate progress in attaining this goal.
UNWTO Investment Guidelines – Strategies to Safeguard Tourism Investments during COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic heavily disrupted the tourism industry leaving a deep imprint on its structure. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) hence joined forces to develop this report outlining the key trends in the tourism industry and strategies to safeguard tourism investments during these unprecedented times that can contribute to the industry resilience and future recovery.
State of Investment Promotion Agencies: Evidence from WAIPA-WBG’s Joint Global Survey
This report provides details of the current characteristics of national Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) around the world, based on a joint global survey conducted by the World Bank Group (WBG) and the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA). Following the novel WBG framework for investment promotion, the report delivers empirical insights about IPAs’ strategies, institutional set-up and investor service offerings, as well as the challenges they face and the reforms they would like their governments implement. Its addendum focuses on IPAs’ perception and their responses to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. View the dashboard from here.
The impact of COVID-19 from the perspective of IPAs
This paper was prepared by the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) from survey data collected in the first week of April and benefited from peer review. As such it gives a glimpse of the initial action taken by investment promotion agencies (IPAs) towards the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this survey was to understand the impact and initial challenges IPAs face due to this crisis and to examine actions by IPAs to mitigate and alleviate these shocks. By highlighting some of these measures, this paper aims to help IPAs to compare their own actions to those of their peers but also to serve as food for thought for IPAs to expand or align their services accordingly, and to provide recommendations based on the experience of WAIPA and its partners.
WAIPA & WEF joint paper: What can governments do to facilitate investment?
This paper was prepared as a technical input to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Structured Discussions on Investment Facilitation for Development and presented during an expert workshop at the WTO on 11 December 2019. It was jointly written by the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) and the World Economic Forum (Forum) and benefited from peer review. The aim of the paper is to present what investment practitioners identify as the most important measures to facilitate investment flows.
Overview of Investment Promotion: Report of the findings from the WAIPA Annual Survey of 2018
This report is using information obtained from the WAIPA’s Annual Survey of 2018. The survey’s questions encompass topics regarding IPAs institutional characteristic, resources, strategies, performance evaluation, and future of investment promotion.
The state of investment in OIC member countries and the role of Export Credit Agencies and IPAs
“The state of investment in OIC member countries and the role of Export Credit Agencies and IPAs” is the joint publication by ICIEC, SESRIC and WAIPA. Publication provides comprehensive overview on the state of investment in OIC countries, their FDI potential, and importance of ECAs (Export Credit Agencies) and IPAs (Investment Promotion Agencies) for reaching their development agendas.
WAIPA Consultative Committee Resources

World Investment Reports
- WIR 2021: Investing in Sustainable Recovery
- WIR 2020: International Production Beyond Pandemic
- WIR 2019: Special Economic Zones
- WIR 2018: Investment and New Industrial Policy
- WIR 2017: Investment and the Digital Economy
- WIR 2016: Investor Nationality: Policy Challenges
See all World Investment Reports HERE.
Global Investment Trends Monitors
- GITM 39: Global FDI rebounds in the first half of 2021
- GITM 38: Global FDI flows down 42% in 2020
- GITM 37: RCEP agreement a potential boost for investment in sustainable post-COVID recovery
- GITM 36: Global FDI flows down 49% in 2020
- GITM 35: Special Issue: Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on global FDI and GVCs
- GITM 34: Special Issue: Impact of the Coronavirus outbreak on global FDI
The IPA Observer
- The IPA Observer No.11: Promoting Investment in Health Post-Pandemic: A Global Trend?
- The IPA Observer No.10: Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Investment Promotion
- The IPA Observer No.9 Special Issue: Post-COVID-19: Investment Promotion Agencies and the “New Normal”
- The IPA Observer No.8 Special Issue: Investment promotion agencies: striving to overcome the covid-19 challenge
- The IPA Observer No. 7: Promoting Investment for Sustainable Development in Cities
- The IPA Observer No. 6: Investment Facilitation: The perfect match for investment promotion
- The IPA Observer No. 5: Promoting Green FDI: Practices and Lessons from the Field
Other Resources and Publications
- Investment Policy Monitor
- Sustainable FDI
- Investment Country Profiles
- FDI in LDCs
- Investment statistics
- UNCTAD Manual on FDI statistics
- Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development
- Investment Guides
- World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP)
- Sustainable Stock Exchanges
- Responsible Agricultural Investment
Global Investment Competitiveness Reports
- Global Investment Competitiveness Report 2019/2020 : Rebuilding Investor Confidence in Times of Uncertainty
- Global Investment Competitiveness Report 2017/2018 : Foreign Investor Perspectives and Policy Implications
Doing Business Reports
See all Doing Business reports HERE.
World Development Reports
- World Development Report 2021 : Data for better lives
- World Development Report 2020 : Trading for Development in the Age of Global Value Chains
- World Development Report 2019 : The Changing Nature of Work
- World Development Report 2018 : Learning to Realize Education’s Promise
- World Development Report 2017 : Governance and the Law
See all World Development Reports HERE.
FDI and IPAs related publications
- Planning for Success : Strategies of Investment Promotion Agencies Technical Note
- Investment Policy and Regulatory Reviews by Countries
- Strengthening Service Delivery of Investment Promotion Agencies : The Comprehensive Investor Services Framework, 2020
- Institutions for Investment : Establishing a High-Performing Institutional Framework for Foreign Direct Investment, 2019
- Maximizing the Potential Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment for Competitiveness and Development, 2017
- Promoting Foreign Investment in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations, 2014
- Global Investment Promotion Best Practices, 2012
- The Effectiveness of Promotion Agencies at Attracting Foreign Direct Investment, 2004
See all publications by World Bank HERE.
Other Resources

OECD Economic Outlook
- OECD Economic Outlook, Interim Report, March 2021
- OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2020 Issue 2
- OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2020 Issue 1
- OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2019 Issue 2
- OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2019 Issue 1
See all OECD Economic Outlooks HERE.
OECD Business and Finance Outlook
- OECD Business and Finance Outlook 2020
- OECD Business and Finance Outlook 2019
- OECD Business and Finance Outlook 2018
- OECD Business and Finance Outlook 2017
- OECD Business and Finance Outlook 2016
See all OECD Business and Finance Outlooks HERE.
Economic Policy Reforms
- Economic Policy Reforms 2021
- Economic Policy Reforms 2019
- Economic Policy Reforms 2018
- Economic Policy Reforms 2017
- Economic Policy Reforms 2016
See all Economic Policy Reforms HERE.
Other Resources and Publications
- OECD Work on Investment Promotion and Facilitation
- OECD Investment Policy Reviews
- OECD Reviews of Foreign Direct Investment
- OECD FDI Statistics
- OECD Environmental Outlook
- OECD Employment Outlook
- OECD Tourism Trends and Policies
- OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook
- Tax Policy Reforms
- Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs
See all OECD Publications HERE.

The World Employment and Social Outlook Trends
- World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2020
- World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2019
- World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2018
- World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2017
- World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2016
Global Wage Reports
- Global Wage Report 2020/2021
- Global Wage Report 2018/2019
- Global Wage Report 2016/2017
- Global Wage Report 2014/2015
See all ILO flagship reports HERE.
Other Publications and Resources
- International Labour Review Journal
- International Journal of Labour Research
- International Social Security Review
- Working Papers
- World of Work Magazine
- Statistics and databases
See all ILO publications HERE.

Industrial Development Report
- Industrial Development Report 2020: Industrializing in the digital age
- Industrial Development Report 2018: Demand for Manufacturing: Driving Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
- Industrial Development Report 2016: The Role of Technology and Innovation in Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
- Industrial Development Report 2013: Sustainable Employment Growth: The Role of Manufacturing and Structural Change
See all Industrial Development Reports HERE.
Making It: UNIDO’s quarterly magazine
- Number 27: Industry 2030
- Number 26: Time to go Circular
- Number 25: Partnering for impact: achieving the SDGs
- Number 24: When industry meets the city: the Belt and Road Initiative
- Number 23: Industrializing Africa
See all magazines HERE.
Other Publications and Resources
- International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics
- Statistical Databases
- Statistical Country Briefs
- Publications on Advancing Economic Competitiveness
- Trade Investment Innovation Knowledge Hub
See all publications HERE.

ICC Trade Register Reports
- ICC Trade Register Report 2019
- ICC Trade Register Report 2018
- ICC Trade Register Report 2017
- ICC Trade Register Report 2016
- ICC Trade Register Report 2015
See all ICC Trade Register Reports HERE.
Global Issues and Trends
- Banking and Finance
- Competitive Markets
- Digital Growth
- Diversity
- Global Governance
- Innovation and Intellectual Property
- Counterfeit and Piracy (BASCAP)
- Responsible Business
- Trade and Investment
Other Publications and Resources
- Business Guide to Trade and Investment
- Rethinking Trade and Finance
- ICC Guidelines for international investment 2016
- Trade in the digital economy – A primer on global data flows for policymakers
- Dispute Resolution Services
- Resources for Business
- Chamber Services
- Online Learning
- ICC Digital Library
- ICC Knowledge to Go
See all publications HERE.

- Economic Development Reference Guide
- Economic Diversification: How Community Colleges Partner with Economic Development Organizations
- Green Metrics: Common Measures of Sustainable Economic Development
- What You Should Know 2.0: Elected Leaders and Economic Development
- Building the Foundation: EDOs and Philanthropies as Partners
- Understanding Renewable Energy Businesses: Aligning Renewable Energy Firms and Economic Developers
- Economic Development in a Transforming Energy Economy
- Powering Up: State Assets & Barriers to Renewable Energy Growth
- Creating Quality Jobs: Transforming the Economic Development Landscape
- Economic Development and Smart Growth
See all publications HERE.
Other Resources