The World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) as the umbrella organization that supports member Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) warmly welcomes four new IPAs to our investment promotion network.
Invest Araucania, Chile, Agence Nationale des Investissements et des Exportations (ANIE) Tchad, National Investment Comission (NIC), Liberia and Kaduna Investment Promotion Agency (KADIPA), Nigeria have joined WAIPA in the last quarter of the 2021.

Investment Promotion is a dynamic field where collaboration is key to fulfill our goal to make La Araucanía an attractive destination for foreign investors.
InvestAraucanía, the Regional Unit of Foreign Investment Promotion of the Regional Government of La Araucanía, was the first subnational IPA established in Chile. Being a member of WAIPA give us the opportunity to exchange best practices with other IPAs, to network with them and with other international organizations, and to take part in courses and trainings to build a strong team of services providers for foreign investors.
We are looking forward to take part in trainings, to articulate collaboration with other IPAs and to promote our Value Offer and Investment Opportunities Portfolio.
KADIPA Nigeria
As one of its strategic aims to become a World Class Subnational Investment Promotion Agency (IPA), the Kaduna Investment Promotion Agency (KADIPA), is working assiduously towards building and ensuring it adopts global best practices in investment promotion via the global networking opportunities, technical assistance and support that would be made available to it once it becomes a member of WAIPA.
WAIPA provides several benefits and we expect to gain:
- Increased networking opportunities with other IPAs across the world and global investors.
- To be kept updated on the latest trends, insights and innovation across the global investment promotion landscape.
- Increased inflow of Investments into Kaduna State.
- Capacity building and development for KADIPA staff and adoption of global best practices for the Agency.
NIC Liberia
As the government’s entity with the responsibility to attract, promote and facilitate investment in every sector of Liberia’s economy, the National Investment Commission (NIC) decided to become a member of WAIPA in order to have access to a network of other IPAs across the world. Through this medium, we are expecting to acquire new ideas and methodologies on how to attract sustainable investments to Liberia. We also expect to participate in all WAIPA programs (webinars, conferences, training, etc).
ANIE Tchad
WAIPA has become a “must” in terms of Investment Promotion. It has established itself as the reference transmission belt in terms of capacity building, the exchange of best practices and experiences.
We are looking forward to benefit from:
- Privileged access to a rich database and to a dynamic and efficient network of globally recognized IPAs;
- Networking activities;
- Liaison with international organizations;
- Capacity Building;
- Access to Research and publications.
- The right to vote at the General Assembly and become a member of the Board of Directors;