ACP-EU Private Sector Development Framework: Information, Knowledge Sharing and Networking Events West and Central Africa Region
The Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP Secretariat) is organizing a series of regional meetings with the main objective of Information, Knowledge Sharing and Networking of ACP Private Sector Development (PSD) actors. As an integral part of the ACP-EU Private Sector Development Framework, these events are organized in close consultation with the European Commission.
This is particularly useful at this stage, as several new intra-ACP projects and important private sector financing facilities are being launched or extended, notably under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) and the EU’s External Investment Plan (EIP).
These meetings aim to provide an appropriate framework for bringing together the implementation agencies of ACP/EU financing facilities and Private Sector Development programmes on the one hand, and ACP PSD stakeholders on the other.
The next meeting of this type will be devoted to West and Central Africa and will be held from 6-8 November 2019 in Dakar, Senegal.
Participation on this event is by invitation only.