Q&A session: “Strengthening the Advocacy Services of Investment Promotion Agencies”
Given the number of questions regarding the submission procedure we received during the launch of the competition “Strengthening the Advocacy Services of Investment Promotion Agencies” organized by the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) in collaboration with the World Bank Group (WBG), the organizing team warmly invites you to a Question and Answers session. The event is addressed to staff in IPAs managing the procedure of participation to the competition on behalf of the IPA.
The Q&A session will take place on February 4, at 9 am Washington DC/3 pm Vienna/5 pm Istanbul time via Zoom. To join the session please register via: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvduiqqDopGtTrY7uSeFYkt9Dpk-xS1vU6
The goal of this initiative is to emphasize the key benefits of IPAs’ advocacy efforts, to collect and disseminate IPA advocacy success stories and to raise awareness in a way that hopefully inspires more IPAs to play a stronger role in advocating for reforms to improve the business ecosystem.