2nd Phase of the WAIPA – IsDB Online Capacity Development Program on FDI & IPAs During COVID-19
The World Association of Investment Promotion Agency (WAIPA) and Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) are pleased to announce the start of the second phase of our online capacity development program on “Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) & Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) during COVID-19” which will start on 9 November 2021.
The Program is designed to address the needs of IPAs in IsDB member countries during the period of COVID-19. The Program will be carried out through a series of 5 online workshops.
The webinar program will incorporate some innovative ideas on new areas of training which IPAs will need as a result of the Pandemic (e.g. reshoring, talent attraction, digital services).
In the first phase of the project, we have focused on the impact of COVID-19 on FDI: implications for FDI retention and attraction and have already covered following topics; impact of Covid-19 on FDI, IPA strategies in response to Covid-19, how to strengthen your aftercare for existing investors during Covid-19, how to attract new investors during Covid-19, how to facilitate and deliver investment projects during Covid-19.
In the second phase we will explore the “Post-Covid FDI landscape: How can IPAs leverage new FDI opportunities’
Marketing your location has become more challenging. Prior to Covid-19 there were numerous ways to communicate with your investors and target companies through tradeshows, roadshows and investor meetings but, due to the limitations on travel and the effects of global lockdown, we have been launched into a new digital era where events have now been turned into webinars and the attendance levels of these have spiked due to the accessibility factor.
The first part of the training courses covered the entire investment life-cycle from strategy through to aftercare, attraction, and facilitation, while the second par of the training courses look at how these IPAs need to readjust their strategies and plans to structural changes in the FDI market.
This digital mindset is still not shared by everyone, but many experts agree that this is the time to get on board or be left behind in the new FDI landscape.
- FDI reshoring and supply chain localization: How can IPAs leverage FDI: 9 Nov (Tue) (3pm – 5pm GMT+3)
- Growth sectors for FDI post-Covid: Reinventing FDI value propositions: 16 Nov (Tue) (3pm – 5pm GMT+3)
- The new world of FDI and site selection during and post-Covid: 18 Nov (Thu) (3pm – 5pm GMT+3)
- The talent war: How can IPAs compete in the new frontier for FDI attraction: 23 Nov (Tue) (3pm – 5pm GMT+3)
- The digital future: What is the future role of IPAs: 30 Nov (Tue) (3pm – 5pm GMT+3)
In case if you did not receive the registration link and you would like to join us, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]