Istanbul Webinar Series for Regional & City IPAs
As part of WAIPA’s initiative to learn directly from IPAs about how they have dealt so far with COVID-19 and how investment promotion will look like in the near future, Invest in Istanbul will be hosting regional IPAs to discuss current trends.
Under the moderation of Mr. M. Onur Partal, Project Director, Invest Istanbul, Ms. Ana María Badel, CEO, ProBarranquilla; Mr Thiago Toscano, CEO, INDI – Minas Gerais Investment and Trade Promotion Agency will discuss this Thursday on 5 November at 5-6pm (GMT+3) these issues and how the pandemic influenced their strategies and daily work.
This webinar is part of a series that aims to shed light on the important work of regional and city IPAs during and post-COVID-19, e.g. how regions and cities can support existing and potential investors with credible information and data, create the right linkages with other partners and networks and what strategies regions and cities to develop a clear value proposition.
There is no registration required, you will be able to access the webinar directly on 5th November at the following link: https://zoom.us/j/92707831252?pwd=d0hSTzdwNE5mRXdvakVFTjZwQlo3dz09
Webinar ID: 927 0783 1252
Passcode: 174119