WBG-WAIPA Global Survey Webinar
The World Bank Group (WBG) and the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) conducted a global survey from June 2022 to February 2023, engaging with 113 out of 213 global IPAs, marking a record in responses to date.
The report, structured around the WBG framework for investment promotion, highlights three key pillars essential in IPAs’ delivery:
- Strategic Alignment and Focus: Improving strategic focus through corporate and strategic plan development and enhancing sector prioritization for investment promotion.
- Coherent Institutional Structures: Strengthening the IPA’s institutional framework by improving governance, resources, tools, capacities, and institutional coordination among key stakeholders.
- Strong Investor Service Delivery: Enhancing investor-focused services based on the WBG’s comprehensive investor services framework (CISF) throughout the investment life cycle.
The joint WBG-WAIPA surveys have been deployed during 2019-20 and 2022-23.
Notably this year, the collaboration extended with analyses of IPAs by income levels and a panel data series started with Beata Javorcik under the WBG, , offering insights into the evolution of IPAs since 2005.
Building strong global IPA databases is essential to understanding what works in the field of investment promotion (IP). WBG and WAIPA thank the IPA that participated during the past several years and invite the entire IP community to engage and respond to the global surveys more consistently.
This webinar is specifically designed for policy makers, management and professionals within the field of investment promotion and facilitation. It caters particularly to the management and practitioners employed by Investment Promotion Agencies, as well as individuals from both the public and private sectors who are involved in or have an interest in activities related to investment promotion.