Building on the resounding success of the inaugural meeting, the 2nd WAIPA’s Subcommittee of Regional IPA Associations Meeting held on 4th July marked a significant step forward with concrete suggestions and action plans.

Mr. Ismail Ersahin, Executive Director and CEO opened the meeting, highlighting the importance of the practical steps of the initiative, through concrete project and events.

Moderated by Mr. José Henrique Martins, Senior Expert (WAIPA), the meeting included the approval of the SCRIPA concept framework and the announcement of the following pipeline of initiatives and actionable items:

– The concept for an event in the Oceania Region, with a focus on FDI promotion in the region (advocated by Ross Buchanan, Global Investment Commissioner at Trade and Investment Queensland)
– Presentation of the upcoming WAIPA’s Regional event in the Dominican Republic on 17th July and a proposal of the Caribbean investment project for the next year (presented by Mildred Santos, Deputy Technical Director ProDominicana)
– Preparation of the policy paper on green investments and sector-specific investment forums (with support of Hossam Heiba, President, General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI)
– Creation of an interactive platform for data and information sharing (disccussed by Yofi Grant, CEO, GIPC)
– Outlined plans for the upcoming G20 IPAs meeting and the 7th Brazil Investment Forum, focusing on ecological transitions and foreign investments (presented by Ms. Karina Bazuchi, Investment Officer, APexBrasil)
– Proposal of the technical assistance, capacity building, and joint projects to connect members of SCRIPA (in partnership with UNIDO and UNCTAD)

Participants underscored the importance of collaboration and joint efforts to support IPAs in operationalizing and taking more active roles in the future of FDI. They also discussed specific points on SCRIPA’s establishment, membership, and operation, expressing a keen interest in practical activities and regular quarterly meetings. The meeting concluded with a commitment to work together and support forthcoming proposals.

Learn more about the SCRIPA HERE.

Meeting’s Photos