Virtual Signing Ceremony for the MoU between WAIPA and IsDB
PRESS RELEASE WAIPA and IsDB sign a Memorandum of Understanding Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 29 September 2022 - The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) have [...]
The 26th World Investment Conference 2022 organized by WAIPA
26th World Investment Conference 2022 organised by WAIPA (World Association for Investment Promotion Agencies) The 26th chapter of World Investment Conference (WIC) took place during 13th to 14th September 2022 in Geneva, Switzerland. This [...]
WAIPA General Assembly Meeting Agenda 2022
WAIPA Permanent Secretariat has the privilege to invite all members to attend the 26th annual General Assembly meeting, which will take place on September 13th, 2022 at the Centre International des Conférences Genève (CICG) in [...]
WAIPA Appoints KW Group (Malaysia) As Regional Advisor for Asia Pacific region to Enhance Support For Regional IPAs
The World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) has announced the appointment of Malaysia-based KW Group as Regional Advisors, Asia Pacific to support WAIPA Asia Pacific members and related WAIPA capacity development activities in support [...]
WBG-WAIPA 2022 Global Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) Survey
Since 2018, World Bank Group (WBG), and World Association for Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) are collaborating to launch a single standard questionnaire every two years to save agencies’ time and resources, seek synergies, build a [...]
WAIPA – UNCTAD discussion held on the key findings of the WIR2022
A high-level and member-exclusive meeting was held on the 23rd of June 2022, for discussing the World Investment Report 2022 (WIR) where CEOs from member IPAs were attending from all over the world. The meeting [...]
WAIPA, EIF and IsDB announce the launch of a new program to enhance IP capabilities in francophone LDCs in collaboration with OCO Global
WAIPA, EIF and IsDB announce the launch of a new program to enhance investment promotion capabilities in francophone least developed countries (LDCs) in collaboration with OCO Global The World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies [...]
WAIPA at the High-Level Regional Roundtable
WAIPA Executive Director, a.i. Mr. Ismail Ersahin participated at the High-Level Regional Roundtable to discuss the importance of Investment Facilitation for Development and how Asian and Pacific Economies may benefit from it. He underlined that [...]
WIDA Launched at Davos
Launch of The World Investment for Development Alliance (WIDA) during World Economic Forum at Davos 2022 The launch of WIDA is a momentous event as it has been founded by 10 prominent organizations - AIB, [...]
WAIPA – ILO Survey Report – The contribution of IPAs to achieving SDG 8
WAIPA joined forces with the ILO to launch the survey report on “The contribution of IPAs to achieving SDG 8”. The ILO and WAIPA surveyed IPAs to find out the importance of integration of SDG [...]
WAIPA upskilling FDI officials in India
The WAIPA Permanent Secretariat was on a 5-days visit to India, where they have kickstarted the first chapter of the WAIPA capacity building initiatives in India. As part of the visit, WAIPA organized the National Workshop on [...]
WAIPA at AIM 2022
WAIPA was delighted to be part of the Annual Investment Meeting Congress, which took place last week in Dubai, UAE. It was a pleasure to organize and partner at 5 different events; a pre-conference workshop, training [...]
WAIPA Steering Committee Meeting
The WAIPA Steering Committee meeting was held this week on the sidelines of the Annual Investment Meeting in Dubai. The hybrid meeting gathered regional directors of WAIPA to discuss the achievements of the first quarter, the further [...]
Pre-Conference Workshop: Integrating innovative approaches in investment promotion
The WAIPA "Integrating innovative approaches in investment promotion" pre-conference workshop was held on the day before the official opening of the Annual Investment Meeting, with a great array of participants from different locations. The participants [...]
FDI Excellence Series: Attracting Quality FDI
The first session of the FDI Excellence Series 2022 edition was the first WAIPA event during this week and was focused on "Attracting Quality Investment" and gaining essential knowledge and skills for identifying and attracting high-value [...]
Investment Aftercare Explained: Book launch
“Investment Aftercare Explained. A Guide for FDI Practitioners and Policymakers on How to Grow and Retain Investors,” the first book to systematically map the last step of a foreign investor’s journey, was launched today at the Annual Investment Meeting in Dubai, UAE. Speakers [...]